Monday, June 21, 2010

Ok, I must warn you... there will be no pictures with this post :/ I am posting from a different computer tonight and don't have access to my pictures. We have had a very nice day in Ntcheu today. We had a major prayer request answered in the way we had hoped. It lifted our spirits and we are looking forward to a very busy, but good, week.

This morning we got up bright and early to visit two secondary schools near Esther's House. One of the things we provide to our non-residential orphans in the program is aid with school fees and uniforms. So, this morning we had to pay school fees for 5 of our kids. It was a neat experience. We were able to see a glimpse of what school life is like here and we were also able to meet the head master of one of the schools. There are many things that are different in the U.S. when it comes to high school, of course, but I am always amazed at the similarities I see with kids all around the world. The rest of our day was filled with paperwork, a trip to the German orphanage, a quick trip to Esther's House :), and movie night with my team over dinner. .

Speaking of the German orphanage... I'm not positive if I have written about this yet, but meeting the people from the German orphanage (not far from our house in town) has been one of the greatest experiences. Alex, one of their directors, has been so welcoming and friendly. They have been up and running for a number of years and have been so incredibly helpful to us, in our early stages. I won't go into their full story now, but they have around 50 children residentially and are a self-sustainable orphanage... which is huge. Anyways, the Lord has reminded me over and over this week about how awesome it is to be a part of the body of Christ. Anytime the Germans have a surplus of anything, they are immediately reaching out to us. Here we are, across the world practically, and we have family here looking out for us.

Yesterday, we were able to go to church in Madzanje with Bruce & Gertrude, Joseph & Evelyn (our caregivers), Isaac & Precious, and Stanley. It was such a sweet time. I am always amazed at how wonderfully the Spirit moves, even in a setting where we can hardly understand a word that is spoken. We were worshipping with the body of believers, our family again. I have truly grown to love these people. They hold a special piece of my heart already...

We could use your prayers tomorrow as we will be traveling. Actually, it seems that we will make a couple different trips all in this week, so safety on these roads is a definite request. We leave early in the morning for Lilongwe with T.A. Kwataine (our district chief). He and Cindy have a couple of meetings to attend in the city. We are getting closer and closer to being ready to interview new orphans for Esther's House! So please pray that all goes well this week. I feel like we have a bazillion meetings... Malawians are all about their meetings! This is a VERY crucial week so your prayers are much appreciated.

A big thanks to those who stuck it out through this dreadful post lacking pictures!! Thanks so much for your prayers and support. I promise to fill my next post with plenty!
