Saturday, July 3, 2010

Tonight was fantastic. This week has had its ups and downs, but tonight was fantastic. I think I will start with it first…

We went out to Esther’s House around 2 p.m. this afternoon because Saturday is the program day for all of the orphans, residential and non. We had planned to show the Jesus Film last Saturday and we even got half way through it. Then it stopped. Just stopped- pretty typical. So, we had to postpone the rest of the film for this weekend. We started around 3:30 maybe, and it actually played all of the way through! Praise the Lord. At the end of the film, I was able to give my testimony and Derek followed with an invitation. He closed by saying something like, “If you are serious about making this decision, then stay in your seat after I pray. If you have already accepted Christ, you are dismissed.” Well, after Derek prayed, we opened our eyes and only a handful of kids trickled out the door. Cindy, Derek, and I (“Ye (s) of little faith”) turned to the translator and asked, “Do they understand what is going on???” His reply was, “Yes! They are ready to receive Christ. They have heard it like new tonight.” We were amazed. 31 of our kids accepted Christ tonight. 31! The most exciting part to me is the fact that we will be here for four more weeks, able to disciple them in this decision. This is something that short-term mission teams miss out on, unfortunately. It was such a great night. It simply amazes me still to think that God is allowing me to be a vessel for His work.

As for the rest of the week…

Gertrude is improving every day. We are so thankful. You can most certainly see God’s healing hand upon Bruce and Gertrude, both. She has been walking some and sitting up in bed quite a bit as well. Bruce told us today that he thinks she will be able to come home on Monday! This is a whole week earlier than expected. Please pray for this transition. We want her out of that place A.S.A.P. but pray that it is not premature. We had a really good visit with her on Thursday and it made my heart so happy. I brought over a Popsicle that came with us from the U.S. and she loved it. I told her to make sure to let me know if there was anything we could get her to help the days go by faster, like something to read, etc. Her eyes LIT UP when I mentioned I had a novel she could read. Thank-you Karen Kingsbury (and Susan Miller for lending me her book!) There are many hard days ahead, and of course they still need much prayer, but the distance they have come since last Monday is astounding. Thank-you, thank-you, thank-you, to all of you who have been lifting them up to the Lord. PLEASE continue.

Last Thursday, I believe, some kind of stomach bug hit our home. Cindy, Derek, and I have all been sick for the last couple of days. It is nothing depleting, but very uncomfortable- fever, headache, stomachache, etc. Mostly, I hated being cooped up in the house all day. It prevented us from being able to visit G at the hospital. SO sad. We didn’t want to risk anything, not knowing if we were contagious. We have all been on antibiotics, today is the second day of that, and we are feeling better. I don’t care for being sick period, but being sick in Africa- I could do without for sure! Yesterday we all stayed in bed like vegetables. I feel like I have slept 68 out of the last 72 hours. Pray that our bodies are back to 100% soon. We hate wasting days.

Tomorrow is church day and I am so so so excited. We get to go back to Madzanje Baptist, where all of our E.H. friends attend. We had plans to visit another church, but changed our plans when Stanley told us he would be preaching at Madzanje this week. Stanley is such a great guy. He is one of our translators at Esther’s House, but does so much more for this ministry. He is in seminary in Lilongwe, but is currently on break so he is staying at E.H. He has become such a great friend and I am going to miss him greatly. I am excited to hear him tomorrow.

Tomorrow night we have been invited to celebrate the 4th at Chet and Leighanne Burn’s. They are missionaries that live just a ways down the M1. Should be a good time.

Happy 4th everyone! Someone twirl a sparkler for me!

Cindy was teaching the girls how to double jump rope today :)

I would never get tired of looking at this...

Love this one. Precious boy.

Zach was 8 months old
yesterday and started crawling!

Some of our girls with their banana
leaf jump ropes. They are really good.

Had to put this one up! Look at
our bald boys! Isaac and Precious went to the
barber shop yesterday.They looked so different.

I'm in love with this face.

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